Raising funds

A collector wearing a badger costume attracts donations

We raise funds to finance our work in the following ways:

Membership subscriptions

Money raised from subscriptions forms an important part of our income. Many of our members add donations onto the minimum annual subscription, which boosts this source of finance considerably. We are very grateful to all those members who add donations to their subscriptions, and to those who pay by standing order.


Collections at supermarkets, garden centres and at fundraising events have been a good source of income for Brockwatch. We have held collections at venues including the Grosvenor Centre, Morrisons and Safeway in Northampton, Tesco in Towcester, and Bowen Square in Daventry. We are very grateful to all those members of the public who give so generously – and to all those Brockwatch volunteers who make the collections possible in the first place.


We have produced a limited range of items which we sell at various events to raise funds. These include posters, paperweights, coasters, badges and keyfobs.


Donations are always gratefully received. We have always asked for donations when we produce badger reports for developers or their agents and these have made a valuable contribution to our funds.